Properties and YOU


Below is the List of Webinars you Get in the Package

A list of Different Method of Buying Property with Little to no Money
How to Buy Properties at Council Auction
How to Assume Properties - Take over People Mortgage
How to Find Distressed Property
How to Pay - Some Now and Some Later
How to Develop 4 Properties and Keep one for FREE
How to Option Properties
How to Buy Property for $100
How to Multiply your Rental Incom
How to FLIP (Option and Sell or Buy and Sell)
How to Discharge Your Mortgage
How to Buy Houses with Little to NO Deposit
How to Make Millions Dollars (PA) Using Rent to Buy
Become Rich Using (OPM) Other People’s Money
How to Negotiate for Huge Profits
Plan(s) for Finanical Independence /FREEDOM

Extra Bounce Webinars

Here is the list of Webinar Extra You Can Get with This

How CooL is it to ReCreate Your Wealth
How Cool is it to be Rich
How Cool is it to Sleep Like a Baby
Gratitude and YOU (Daily)

Ultimate Achievement System of Hypnosis, (Programming Your Success Character Traits and Automate your Phycho Cybernetics to Achievement.
(12 Programs)


Gold Package 

VALUED AT $15,079  

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