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Thank you for the seminar you presented for the prisoners at Silverwater Prison. Many of them had never had an experience like that before, and were talking about it for days afterwards. You gave them ideas that could benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Ken Renni

Department of Corrective Service

We thank you for your service to us as home teachers and friends. We enjoy our companionship with you and enjoy the time you take to involve our entire family in your home teaching visits.

John W. Biddle


I have attended some of Doug’s motivation and business presentations which have always been well prepared and presented with a high degree of enthusiasm and credibility. Doug’s moral standards and conduct have been above reproach and commendable at all times.

Stephen C. Webster

The Trust Chambers

Here's What Others Are Saying About Douglas

Our amazing community are loving our platform here's what they are saying about Millionaire Mind Magnet.

Their courses was high energy, filled with insights and valuable take-a-way information. In less than two months after the seminar, I had my highest income month over four years! And, my monthly commisions are now consistently 20% higher than last year!

Darell R


Their courses are absolutely priceless! I can here feeling like I wasn’t good enough and left feeling like I could conquer the world. I am looking forwards to returning and bringing my two teenage sons and anyone else who could and would benefit from it. I have a millionaire mind!

Kim T.


Their courses has been life-changing! I found myself doing things far beyond my comfort zone. I didn’t even recognize myself. This is the support I needed to turn my financial life around. And, I made some very valuable connections with like-minded people.

Loretta K


18 months ago, my wife and I were a week away from divorcing. We were over $150,000 in debt and we always fought about money. Your program changed all that and today we are happily married. We are now debt free and we own 2 companies worth over 1/4 million dollars.

Daniel D.


Managing my money has never been my forte, but both my husband and I have started the jar system and feel very positive about making in roads to our future financial freedom. We are constantly telling everyone about our Millionaire Mind experience and since we’ve been home, the office phone has been consistently ringing!

Cath L.


24 months ago my net worth was about $80,000, but I was $45,000 in bad debt on line of credit and credit cards. After attending the Millionaire Mind Magnet, I developed a new way of thinking and today I have absolutely no debt and my net worth is $225,000 and growing quickly.

Carl P.


What some of our happy clients say about Douglas McCoy


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