Buying a house is often seen as a significant milestone in life. However, it can also be an excellent opportunity to make money in the process. In Australia’s thriving property market, there are several strategies that you can employ to maximize your investment. In this article, we will explore various ways you can make money when buying your house in Australia, and also discuss some helpful tips from the experts at Properties & You.

  1. Choose the right location

One of the most critical factors in making money when buying a house is selecting the right location. Look for areas with strong growth potential, good infrastructure, and high demand for rental properties. Check out our blog post on choosing the right suburb for your investment property to help you make an informed decision.

  1. Buy a fixer-upper

Purchasing a house that needs renovations can be a great way to make money, as you can often buy these properties at a lower price. By making improvements to the property, you can increase its value and sell it for a profit. Remember to assess the renovation costs and potential return on investment before making a decision.

  1. Negotiate the best price

Hone your negotiation skills to ensure you’re getting the best possible price for the property. Research the market and recent sales in the area, and consult with experts like the team at Properties & You for advice. A lower purchase price can lead to higher profits when you eventually sell or rent out the property.

  1. Make use of government incentives

Take advantage of government incentives like the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) and the HomeBuilder scheme, which can help you save money on your purchase. These grants and schemes can reduce your overall costs and increase your potential profit margin. For more information on these incentives, read our guide on government grants and schemes for first-home buyers.

  1. Leverage equity

If you already own a property, you can use the equity in your current home to invest in a new one. By doing so, you can borrow more money and potentially purchase a more valuable property, increasing your chances of making a profit.

  1. Rent out the property

Once you’ve purchased the property, consider renting it out to generate a steady income. Rental income can cover your mortgage payments and contribute to your overall wealth. Research rental rates in the area and ensure you’re charging a competitive price. For more tips on renting out your property, read our guide on maximizing rental returns.

The Benefits of Owning a House

Before we dive into how to make money when you buy a house, let’s first look at some of the benefits of owning a house:

  • Equity: When you pay your mortgage, you are building equity in your home. Over time, your home’s value may increase, allowing you to sell it for more than you bought it for.
  • Tax Benefits: Homeownership comes with several tax benefits, including deducting mortgage interest and property taxes from your taxable income.
  • Stability: Owning a house provides stability and security for you and your family. You don’t have to worry about landlords raising rent or evicting you.

Now that we have looked at the benefits of owning a house, let’s explore how to make money when you are buying one.

Rent Out a Portion of Your Home

One way to make money when you are buying a house is to rent out a portion of your home. This could be a basement, a spare bedroom, or a mother-in-law suite. By renting out a portion of your home, you can generate a passive income that can help you pay your mortgage or other expenses.

Things to Consider

Before you decide to rent out a portion of your home, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Legal Requirements: Depending on where you live, there may be legal requirements you need to follow to rent out a portion of your home. Make sure you research and comply with any local laws or regulations.
  • Tenant Screening: It’s essential to screen potential tenants thoroughly to ensure they are trustworthy and responsible.
  • Privacy: Renting out a portion of your home means you will have less privacy. Consider if you are comfortable sharing your living space with someone else.

House Hacking

House hacking is a popular strategy that involves buying a multi-unit property and living in one unit while renting out the others. This can generate enough rental income to cover your mortgage or even provide a profit.

Advantages of House Hacking

  • Reduced Living Expenses: When you live in one unit and rent out the others, you can significantly reduce your living expenses, allowing you to save more money or invest in other assets.
  • More Control: When you own a multi-unit property, you have more control over the property’s management and can choose who lives in the other units.
  • Tax Benefits: Owning a multi-unit property provides additional tax benefits, including being able to deduct expenses related to the rental units.

Fix and Flip

Fix and flip is a real estate investment strategy where you buy a property, renovate it, and sell it for a profit. While this strategy can be risky, it can also be very lucrative if done correctly.

Tips for a Successful Fix and Flip


Making money when buying a house in Australia is possible with careful planning and smart strategies. By choosing the right location, buying a fixer-upper, negotiating the best price, making use of government incentives, leveraging equity, and renting out the property, you can potentially earn a profit from your investment. Consult with property experts like the team at Properties & You to help you make the most of your property purchase.

House Hacking with Airbnb

Another way to make money when you buy a house is to use it as an Airbnb rental. This strategy can be especially effective if you live in a desirable location, such as a tourist destination or a city with high demand for short-term rentals.

Tips for Successful Airbnb Rentals

  • Create a Welcoming Space: To attract positive reviews and repeat guests, it’s essential to create a welcoming space that is clean, comfortable, and well-appointed.
  • Set Competitive Rates: Research the local market to ensure you are setting competitive rates that are in line with similar properties in your area.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Managing an Airbnb rental can be time-consuming, so it’s essential to have a plan for managing guests, cleaning, and maintaining the property.

Buy a Fixer-Upper

Another strategy to make money when you buy a house is to purchase a fixer-upper. A fixer-upper is a property that needs significant renovations or repairs, but that can be purchased at a lower price than other properties in the area.

Advantages of Buying a Fixer-Upper

  • Lower Purchase Price: Fixer-uppers are often sold at a lower price than other properties in the area, providing an opportunity to build equity quickly.
  • Customization: When you purchase a fixer-upper, you have the opportunity to customize the property to your liking and potentially increase its value.
  • Potential for Profit: By purchasing a fixer-upper, you can potentially sell it for a profit after making renovations and repairs.

Things to Consider

  • Hidden Costs: Fixer-uppers often require significant renovations and repairs, which can be costly. It’s essential to budget for these costs and have a plan for financing them.
  • Time Commitment: Renovating a fixer-upper can be time-consuming, so it’s essential to have a realistic timeline and plan for managing the renovations.

Use a Real Estate Agent

Finally, working with a real estate agent can help you find properties that are undervalued or have potential for appreciation. Real estate agents have access to tools and resources that can help you find properties that meet your investment goals.

Benefits of Working with a Real Estate Agent

  • Access to Listings: Real estate agents have access to property listings that may not be available to the general public, giving you an advantage in finding undervalued properties.
  • Negotiation: Real estate agents can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best price for a property.
  • Market Knowledge: Real estate agents have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market, including trends, pricing, and inventory.


Can I make money when I buy a house?

Yes, there are several strategies for making money when you buy a house, including renting out a portion of your home, house hacking, fix and flip, using Airbnb, and working with a real estate agent.

Is it legal to rent out a portion of my home?

Depending on where you live, there may be legal requirements you need to follow to rent out a portion of your home. Make sure you research and comply with any local laws or regulations.

What is house hacking?

House hacking is a real estate investment strategy that involves buying a multi-unit property and living in one unit while renting out the others.

What is fix and flip?

Fix and Flip is a real estate investment strategy where you buy a property, renovate it, and sell it for a profit.

Can I use my house as an Airbnb rental?

Yes, you can use your house as an Airbnb rental, but you should research local laws and regulations and have a plan for managing guests and maintaining the property.

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